The "Online Radar Museum" is proud to announce that our photo collection now includes several notable "firsts." Among the photos are the very first AN/FPS-24 (Eufaula AFS, AL), the ONLY two AN/FPS-24's covered with a radome (Cottonwood AFS, ID, and Mt. Hebo AFS, OR), the very first AN/FPS-28 (Houma AFS, LA), the very first AN/FPS-35 (Thomasville AFS, AL), the very first AN/FPS-27 (Crystal Springs AFS, MS), and the very first and only AN/FPS-31 (Jug Handle Hill, West Bath, ME). Also, the search radar tower pictured at Highlands AFS, NJ, held the very first AN/FPS-7, and the empty arctic radar tower pictured at Eufaula AFS held the very first AN/FPS-26 height-finder radar. Further, the photo of MacDill AFB, FL, includes the very first AN/FSS-7 SLBM D&W radar, modified from the AN/FPS-26. Thanks go to the many contributors who made this possible. |
Radar DesignationsDuring World War II, each service used its own method to designate its electronic radar/tracking systems. For example, Army radars were classified under the initials SCR, which stood for �Signal Corps Radio.� Different designations for similar systems confused manufacturers and complicated electronics procurement. In February 1943, a universal classification system was implemented for all services to follow, ending the confusion. To indicate that an electronic system designation followed the new universal classification, the letters �AN,� for Army-Navy, were placed ahead of a three-letter code. The first letter of the three-letter code denoted the type of platform hosting the electronic device, for example: A=Aircraft; C=Air transportable (letter no longer used starting in the 1950s); F=Fixed permanent land-based; G=General ground use; M=Ground mobile; S=Ship-mounted; T=Ground transportable. The second letter indicated the type of device, for example: P=Radar (pulsed); Q=Sonar; R=Radio. The third letter indicated the function of the radar system device, for example: G=Fire control; R=Receiving (passive detection); S=Search; T=Transmitting. Thus an AN/FPS-20 represented the twentieth design of an Army-Navy �Fixed, Radar, Search� electronic device. Searching The Skies
Originally, "AN" did stand for "Army-Navy"; later, though, after the Air Force came along, it became just a 'designator' of military equipment. The table below from Mil Std 196E describes the designators |
Band | Freq (MHz) | Wavelength (cm) |
VHF | 30-300 | 300-100 |
UHF | 300-1000 | 100-30 |
L | 1000-2000 | 30-15 |
S | 2000-4000 | 15-7.5 |
C | 4000-8000 | 7.5-3.75 |
X | 8000-10,000 | 3.75-2.5 |
Type: S-Search, H-Height-Finder, G-Gap Filler, T-Tracker, JSS-Joint Surveillance System
You may click on the Radar System below to see more information.
System | Type | Band | Mfg | SAGE | Notes |
AN/CPS-1 | S | S/X | MIT Rad Lab | N | MEW, or "microwave early warning radar"; 3000 MHz, range up to 200 miles |
AN/CPS-4 | H | S | MIT Rad Lab | N | Often paired w/ AN/FPS-3 during early '50s at permanent sites |
AN/CPS-5 | S | L | Bell Labs, GE | N | Lashup w/TPS-10 HF |
AN/CPS-6,6A,6B | S/H | S | MIT Rad Lab | N | Combined search & height-finder radar |
AN/FPQ-16 PARCS | T | Raytheon | N | Phased-Array Radar, originally part of the Safeguard ABM system | |
AN/FPS-10 | S | S | MIT Rad Lab | N | Stripped version of AN/CPS-6B. 13 in the permanent network |
AN/FPS-100 | S | L | Bendix | Y | Modified AN/FPS-20 |
AN/FPS-107,-107V1,-107V2 | S | L | Westinghouse | Y | Modification to AN/FPS-7 |
AN/FPS-108 | T | L | Raytheon | N | "Cobra Dane"; located on Shemya Island |
AN/FPS-115 | S | UHF | Raytheon | N | PAVE PAWS Missile-Warning Radar, first model, two radar faces; originally installed at Cape Cod AFS, MA, and Beale AFB, CA, and later at Robins AFB, GA, and Eldorado AFS, TX. Upgrades include AN/FPS-120, AN/FPS-123, and AN/FPS-126 models. |
AN/FPS-116 | H | S | GE (now Lockheed Mar | Y | Modernized AN/FPS-6 & AN/FPS-90 for JSS |
AN/FPS-117 | 3D | L | GE (now Lockheed Mar | N | 3D radar used at Alaskan sites and on the North Warning System (NWS) |
AN/FPS-118 | S | LF | GE (now Lockheed Mar | N | Over-the-Horizon Backscatter (OTH-B) |
AN/FPS-120 | S | UHF | Raytheon | N | PAVE PAWS Missile-Warning Radar, upgraded from AN/FPS-115 model, two (2) radar faces; presently installed at Thule AB, Greenland (BMEWS Site 1). |
AN/FPS-123 | S | UHF | Raytheon | N | PAVE PAWS Missile-Warning Radar, upgraded from AN/FPS-115 model, two (2) radar faces; presently installed at Cape Cod AFS, MA; Beale AFB, CA; and Clear AFS, AK (BMEWS Site 2). |
AN/FPS-124 | S | S | Unisys | N | Short-Range Radar used in the modern North Warning System (NWS); cylindrical array, electronic scanning |
AN/FPS-126 | S | UHF | Raytheon | N | PAVE PAWS Missile-Warning Radar, upgraded from AN/FPS-115 model, three (3) radar faces; presently installed at RAF Fylingdales Moor, England (BMEWS Site 3). |
AN/FPS-129 | D | X | Raytheon | N | "HAVE STARE"; deployed in northern Norway to detect missile launches |
AN/FPS-14 | G | S | Bendix | Y | Gap-filler radar with magnetron; 65 nmi. |
AN/FPS-17 | T | VHF | GE | N | Missile-tracking radar |
AN/FPS-18 | G | S | Bendix | Y | Gap-filler radar with klystron; 65 nmi. |
AN/FPS-19 | S | L | Raytheon | Y | The Primary Search Radar for DEW-Line sites in Canada and Alaska |
AN/FPS-20,20A,20B | S | L | Bendix | Y | AN/FPS-3 with AN/GPA-27; variants include the AN/FPS-64,65,66,67,68,72,87,91,93,100 |
AN/FPS-23 | S | UHF | Motorola | N | AN/FPS-23 radars were continuous-wave (CW) systems that were comprised of geographically-separated AN/FPT-4 Fluttar Transmitters and AN/FPR-2 Fluttar Receivers. |
AN/FPS-24 | S | VHF | GE | Y | Frequency-diverse search radar designed for SAGE. 85-ton antenna. |
AN/FPS-26,26A | H | C | AVCO | Y | Frequency-diverse height-finder radar designed for SAGE. Seven -26s later modified by AVCO to AN/FSS-7 SLBM D&W. |
AN/FPS-27,27A,27B | S | S | Westinghouse | Y | Frequency-diverse search radar designed for SAGE. Search alt. 150K, 220-nmi range |
AN/FPS-28 | S | VHF | Raytheon | Y | Frequency-diverse search radar designed for SAGE. Field tested at Houma AFS, LA |
AN/FPS-3,3A | S | L | Bendix | Y | Predecessor to the AN/FPS-20 |
AN/FPS-30 | S | L | Bendix | Y | DEW-Line radar used in Greenland |
AN/FPS-31 | S | VHF | MIT Lincoln Labs | Y | Frequency-diverse search radar designed for SAGE. Antenna 120'x16'; field tested at West Bath, ME. |
AN/FPS-35 | S | VHF | Sperry Gyroscope | Y | Frequency-diverse search radar designed for SAGE. 70-ton antenna. |
AN/FPS-3B | S | L | Bendix | Y | Incorporated AN/GPA-27 increased search alt to 65K |
AN/FPS-4 | H | X | RCA | N | Updated TPS-10 |
AN/FPS-49 | T | UHF | RCA | N | BMEWS Tracker, 105 tons on azimuth bearing |
AN/FPS-50 | S | UHF | GE | N | BMEWS Detection Radar, scanned stationary antennae |
AN/FPS-6,6A,6B | H | S | GE | Y | High-power variants include AN/FPS-89 and AN/FPS-90; mobile version is AN/MPS-14 |
AN/FPS-64,65,66,67,68,72 | S | L | Bendix | Y | Modified versions of AN/FPS-20 |
AN/FPS-7,7A,7B,7C,7D | S | L | GE | Y | Search alt 100K, 270 miles |
AN/FPS-8 | S | L | GE | Y | Variants: AN/GPS-3, AN/MPS-11, AN/FPS-88. |
AN/FPS-85 | T | UHF | Bendix | N | Spacetrack radar at Eglin AFB, FL |
AN/FPS-87A | S | L | Bendix | Y | Based on AN/FPS-20 |
AN/FPS-88 | S | L | GE | Y | Updated version of AN/FPS-8 |
AN/FPS-89 | H | S | GE | Y | Improved version of AN/FPS-6 |
AN/FPS-90 | H | S | GE | Y | Hi-powered version of AN/FPS-6 |
AN/FPS-91 | S | L | Bendix | Y | Version of AN/FPS-20 |
AN/FPS-92 | T | UHF | RCA | N | Upgraded AN/FPS-49 BMEWS tracker |
AN/FPS-93 | S | L | Raytheon | Y | Modified AN/FPS-20 |
AN/FRT-80 OTH-F TX | D | N | Over-the-Horixon Forwardscatter (OTH-F), 440L System, transmitter; used to detect missile launches | ||
AN/FSQ-32 | DP | IBM | Y | "Super SAGE" Computer (not fielded) | |
AN/FSQ-7 | DP | IBM | Y | SAGE Direction-Center Computer | |
AN/FSQ-76 OTH-F RX | D | N | Over-the-Horixon Forwardscatter (OTH-F), 440L System, receiver; used to detect missile launches | ||
AN/FSQ-8 | DP | IBM | Y | SAGE Control-Center Computer | |
AN/FSS-7 | S | C | AVCO | Y | FPS-26 modified by AVCO to perform SLBM Detection & Warning duties |
AN/FST-1 | DP | Y | Radar Data Processing System used at SAGE gap-filler radar sites. Analog to digital convertor; slowed-down video unit. | ||
AN/FST-2 | DP | Y | Radar Data Processing System used at SAGE long-range radar sites | ||
AN/FYQ-156 | N | Atmospheric Early Warning System, Battle Control System - Fixed (BCS-F) - more info to follow | |||
AN/FYQ-47,49 | DP | Burroughs | Y | Replacement for AN/FST-2; FYQ-49 was a FYQ-47 without height racks (used at FAA data-tie radar sites) | |
AN/FYQ-93 | DP | Hughes | N | H5118ME-based computer system, replacement for SAGE; used at JSS ROCC's/SOCC's (now SAOC's) | |
AN/GPA-98 | N | ECM Simulator | |||
AN/GPS-3 | S | L | GE | Y | Variant of the AN/FPS-8 |
AN/MPS-11 | S | L | GE | N | Mobile version of the AN/FPS-8 |
AN/MPS-14 | H | S | GE | Y | Mobile version of the AN/FPS-6 |
AN/MPS-7 | S | L | Bendix | N | Mobile version of the FPS-3 |
AN/MPS-8 | H | X | RCA | N | Mobile version of the AN/FPS-4 |
AN/TPS-10,10A,FPS-4,TPS-4 | H | X | MIT Rad Lab | N | Zenith built -10A post-war; dubbed "Little Abner." |
AN/TPS-1B,1C | S | L | Bell Telephone Labs | N | WW-II 120-nmi, 10,000 ft. |
AN/TPS-1D | S | L | Bell Telephone Labs | N | Mobile search radar; "Tippsy 1 Dog" |
AN/TPS-43 | S | N | Tactical/Mobile search radar | ||
AN/TPS-44 | S | N | Tactical/Mobile search radar | ||
AN/UPA-35 | N | Manual Ops PPI scope | |||
AN/UPX-6, -14, -21 | IFF/ | Y | Selective Identification Feature (SIF) / Identification Friend or Foe (IFF); used in conjunction with search radars | ||
ARSR-1 | S | L | Raytheon | N | FAA search radar, similar to FPS-20 |
ARSR-2 | S | L | Raytheon | N | FAA upgrade to ARSR-1 |
ARSR-3,3D | S | L | Westinghouse | N | FAA D model had height-finder capability |
ARSR-4 | S/H | Westinghouse | N | FAA 3D system began deploying in 1990s | |
ATCBI-5 | SIF | Y | FAA version of SIF, for "Air Traffic Control Beacon Interrogator"; also called "secondary radar" by the FAA | ||
SCR-270 | S | Westinghouse | N | The Pearl Harbor radar | |
SCR-271 | S | Westinghouse | N | variant of SCR-270 | |
TDX-2000 | Sensis | N | Target Data Extractor - used for preparing FAA radar target data for USAF use, among other things. | ||
AN/GSQ-235 | N | ROCC-AWACS Digital Information Link (RADIL) | |||
AN/MPS-16,-16A,-16B | H | C | Avco | N | The AN/MPS-16, -16A and -16B are high-power, long-range, mobile height finders. The radar sets are capable of accepting azimuth control from, and furnishing height data to, search radar sets equipeed with either Indicator Group OA-175/FPS-3 or AN/UPA-35. These are normally transported on four M-35 trucks. |
AN/FSA-10 | DP | Y | Television convertor-display unit for the SAGE gap-fillers. This unit used a television camera to superimpose the gap-filler data on the LRR scope. It could display up to six GFAs' radar data. | ||
AN/FSW-1 | DP | Y | Remote control unit for gap fillers. There was one unit at the prime LRR, and another at the GFA. | ||
AN/GRT-22 | GATR | Y | Ground-air radio equipment (GATR) | ||
AN/GRR-24 | GATR | Y | Ground-air radio equipment (GATR) | ||
AN/FPS-63 | G | S | Budd | Y | Frequency-diverse gap-filler radar, similar to AN/FPS-74; neither was ever fielded. |
AN/FPS-74 | G | S | Budd | Y | Frequency-diverse gap-filler radar, similar to AN/FPS-63; neither was ever fielded. |
AN/TPS-75 | TAC | N | Tactical 3D air battle management radar | ||
AN/GPS-T2 | Simu | RCA | N | Used a 70 mm film to simulate radar data | |
AN/GPS-T4 | Simu | N | Simulated 12 individually controllable (speed, altitude, bank, climb and turn rates plus IFF) radar targets | ||
AN/GKA-5 | TDDL | RCA | Y | Time-Division Data Link. Used at the GATR sites for SAGE radar sites and certain Direction Centers (sometimes followed with the AN/FRT-49 Amplifier / Transmitter), and also used at BOMARC "B" model missile launch sites. | |
AN/GLA-8 | Y | Signal processor on the FPS-35/24 radars | |||
SCR-268 | S,H | VHF | Western Electric | N | SCR-268 was operating in VHF-Band radar for gun laying and searchlight direction. It was the US Army's standard early-war anti-aircraft radar system. |