Finland Air Force Station
- Fiscal Year NWO Began Support: 1997
- Project Size and Complexity: Former long range radar installation on approximately 100 acres. Located on the second highest point in Minnesota on a granite rock complex, posing significant complexities for site characterization. Primary contaminants are solvents and petroleum products and mixed contamination at a former dump site.
- Future Program: $1.5M
Significant Issues/Challenges
- Regulatory Issues: CERCLA
- Goals: Complete landfill cap at dump site, remove petroleum contaminated soil and select an appropriate response to the groundwater contamination.
- Current issues of concern: None
- Successes to Date: Expedited schedule to
complete all remedial investigation activities within two years of start of
project. Innovative use of Geographic Information System (GIS) in modeling the
movement of groundwater in the fractured granite.