Recent Photos of Chestnut Hill ESS, CT

2012 image looking North

Looking North

Looking North

2012 image looking South

Looking South

Looking South

Nov 2007 photos contribued by Mark Foster

Mark writes:
Visited the Chestnut Hill site today. It is now owned by the house to the north and main building has been converted into a greenhouse/potting shed. The owned told me that he was aware that is was owned by the Air Force "during the war (sic)" and that the "aircraft tie downs (sic)" still existed. I did not correct him as he let me on the property early (and cold) Sunday morning and was very nice, I did not think he wanted the long story of the history of his green house. In fact all but one of the antenna tie downs still exist. The main building has been modified somewhat and the two out buildings and the fence have long been gone. Photo 3 is from the street side.