Looking North
Looking North
Looking East
Looking East
Looking South
Looking South
Looking West
Looking West
Spring 2004 photos & notes contributed by Tom Scanlan
The main entrance is on County Road 302, which roughly parallels US277, and is basically the "Old 277". The site is visible to the right (East) of US277, about 10 miles north of the town of Eldorado, TX, driving north towards San Angelo. The photo shows the two brick and stone sign supports on each side of the driveway going up the hill to EAFS. All signage has been removed.
This photo shows the perimeter fence itself - note growth of weeds due to abandonment. Surveillance cameras have been removed from the posts. The electric wires for the elecrtified fence remain. The guard shack (concrete building) still remains, and the buzzer actually works, although no one comes out. Obviously there is electricity still running to the site. There is a small decal stating there is 24 hour surveillance from a commercial firm. There was no evidence, however, of any sensors.
This photo shows the antenna support. Note all individual antenna are removed - now at Clear AFS.
This photo shows the main admin and Command building, with all windows carefully covered by plywood. Clearly mothballed. All fences were padlocked and site was secure.
contributed by Scott Murdock
Photo taken while site was inactive, in "caretaker" status.
The following photos taken in June, 1997