Recent Photos of the possible Gray Court, SC, Gap-Filler Annex site
Photo by Tom Page, 4 September 2017
Note that a Gap-Filler Annex assigned to Aiken AFS, SC, was once planned in the vicinity of Gray Court, SC, which is in Laurens County. The highest point in Laurens County is Big Knob, rising to 945 feet above mean sea level. This seemingly would have been the ideal location for the gap-filler radar site, if it had been built. However, ADC historical records and other information do not provide any operational dates or radar type. This recent photo confirms that no construction (other than the fire-lookout tower seen) ever took place atop Big Knob. Of course, it's possible that the once-planned GFA radar site was to have been somewhere else. Still, this spot was the highest elevation in the county by far, and thus is believed to have been the planned location. The actual planned site might never be known for sure.