Recent Photos of Matagorda (aerostat), TX

Looking North

Looking South

March 2006 photos & notes contributed by Charles Pormann

Charles writes:
The Matagorda, TX TARS site is only 80 miles from my home. I went for a ride on Saturday 3/18/06 and found the site. It is just off Rt. 60 about 1/2 miles outside Matagorda.

There is a civilian guard at the guard shack and while he could not let anyone on the property, he confirmed that all the equipment was moved into cold storage. There are still a couple of buildings along with the Mooring System Tower. The site looked well taken care of (Building & Tower were in good repair and the grass was cut, the double fence around the site was in very good shape).

I got the OK from the civilian guard to take some pictures, but only from outside the fence. Attached are three pictures:

This is the sign outside the entrance. As you can see the Emblem for this site appears to be bleached off the sign by the hot Texas sun.

This shot is the entrance and you can see the double fence and the guardshack.

This shot was taken from Rt.60 with a telephoto lens and shows the Mooring System Tower.