New Salem, MA, Gap-Filler Radar Annex (P-50E / Z-50E)

Looking North

Looking East

Looking South

Looking South


Looking West

August 2001 photos and notes by Tom Page

The first view of the old gap-filler radar site that one gets from the access road. [looking south-southwest]

A closer view from the access road, showing the site gate and fence. The end of the building seen here is the opposite end from where the radar tower used to stand. [looking south-southwest]

The front of the radar-equipment section, with the entrance door under the awning. [looking ~ west, using a 28-mm wide-angle lens]

The rear of the GFA building. The diesel-generator section is in the foreground, and the radar-equipment section is in the background. Unlike other GFA facilities I have seen, the two sections run parallel instead of at a right angle in an "L" shape. The entrance door into the diesel-generator section is seen in the center of the photo. [looking ~ north]

Same as before, but using a 28-mm wide-angle lens.

This is the radar-tower end of the building. In this view, the diesel-generator section is in the background, and the radar-equipment section is in the foreground. [looking ~ southeast]

Same as before, but using a 28-mm wide-angle lens.

One of three still-extant radar-tower foundations / footings. [looking ~ east]

The three concrete supports for the fuel tank. [looking ~ west]

The site access road, looking downhill away from the site. [looking slightly north of due east]