Recent Photos of Palacios GFA, TX

Once upon a time, there used to be a gap-filler radar facility here ....

That L-shaped dark patch of dirt near each photo`s center is about where the radar building stood. In fact, it might even be the exact spot(?). Maybe soil replacement after the concrete foundation was dug out?

Looking North

Looking East

Looking South

Looking West

2007 Photo contributed by Charles Pormann
Simply nothing left...

Contributed by Jerry Alexander

Jerry writes in 2005:
"We flew over the old gapfiller site located on old Camp Hulen at Palacios. The pictures were taken at around 1,000 feet. We couldn`t go lower due to restrictions due to safety concerns of weather conditions. The conditions were hazy and resolution was affected. I will attempt to edit the pictures when my PC problems are resolved. This may be a few weeks. I will be traveling for a while.

"I wish we could have done better, but this does locate the site, exactly, in relation to the overgrown roads on the camp. Some pictures may be useable. The attached files are typical. ...."

The GFA itself was not photographed -- it is located about a mile inside the former Camp Hulen which is now private property. On a subsequent trip, Jerry hopes to contact the owner, and gain access.

The Camp Hulen road.

Camp Hulen entrance