Recent Photos of Philomath GFA, OR


The first two photos (aerial views) are courtesy of 

The gap-filler radar building is no longer present.  It stood near the center of these two photos where the larger building now stands (which actually straddles the concrete-pad foundations of the old radar building).  



Looking north



Looking west



Marys Peak CO2 Concentration Site photo source:

The following photos contributed by Tim Smith

The gate on the access road.

This photo (circa 1992) shows the former gap-filler radar building from the southwest corner. The diesel-generator wing is in the background and left, with the radar-equipment section in the foreground to the right (west). [Looking ~ northeast]

This photo (circa 1992) also shows the former gap-filler radar building from the southwest corner (the radar-equipment wing). [Looking ~ northeast]

This photo (November 2002) shows a new radio facility where the Air Force gap-filler facility used to stand. [Looking ~ southwest]

From the web site