Recent Photos of Sells, AZ GFA

The Sells GFA and the Covered Wells GFA might be the closest gap-filler radar sites to each other. They are just ~17 road miles apart, both right alongside AZ Rte 86.

September 2002 photos contributed by Tom Page

This is a view of the former Sells GFA as seen from a point to the northwest. The radar-equipment section is seen in front (west), and a small portion of the diesel-generator wing is seen in the rear (east). The radar tower would have stood to the left (on the north side). [looking southeast]

This view shows the south side of the facility, with the diesel-generator wing to the right (east) and the radar-equipment section to the left (west). [looking north]

This final view shows the "rear" (northeast side) of the GFA facility, with the diesel-generator wing to the left (east) and the radar-equipment section to the right (west). No radar-tower foundations / footings were extant, but a triangular-shaped infrastructure (with each side being about 6 to 8 inches wide) was seen at the surface of the ground where the tower would have been. [looking southwest]

May 2001 photos and notes contributed by Tom Page

The "front" of the former radar-equipment building, with the diesel-generator wing seen at the right rear. The site is situated alongside and just south of SR 86 (seen in the foreground), about 15 miles northwest of town. The facility had pads for four (4) diesel generators. [looking northeast]

Another view of the "front" of the former radar-equipment building. The radar tower stood at this end (west side) of the building; its foundations are also non-extant. [looking southeast]