Recent Photos of Summit GFA, MS

Looking North

Looking East

Looking South

Looking West

Looking West


28 July 2021 photos by Tom Page 



View from the road -- the site is so overgrown that it is now almost impossible to see; the chainlink fence is the only clue (looking west)  



The south end of the radar building is faintly visible from the road ... barely (looking west) 



Two of the three radar tower supports (the ones closest to the building), viewed from inside the fenced area (looking east)



The third radar tower support (the one farthest from the building) (looking east)  



A view of the radar building from outside the fence; the diesel generator section is on the right (looking south-southeast) 



The two concrete supports for the above-ground diesel fuel tank (looking northwest) 



Inside the building 'L' -- the diesel generator section is on the left, the radar equipment section is on the right (looking east-northeast) 



West end of the diesel generator section of the building (looking south-southwest)  



North end of the radar equipment section of the building, with the firewall seen at the top right (looking southeast) 



South end of the radar equipment end of the radar building where the radar tower once stood (looking northeast) 


September 2002 photo by Mark Morgan

Southeast corner of the radar building where the radar tower once stood (looking northwest)