August 2001 photos and notes by Tom Page
The site access road, as viewed from just off I-40. The radar station sat on the mesa ahead, with the search radar on the higher hill in the center of the photo. [looking north]
Another view of the site access road and the mesa. [looking slightly west of due north]
The access road, about halfway up. [looking ~ northwest]
The top of the mesa, with the radar hill in the distance. Except for the roads, none of the AF Station is still extant. [looking ~ east]
The top of the hill where the AN/FPS-8 search-radar tower once stood. [looking east-northeast]
The view from the radar hill towards the former cantonment area. [looking north]
The view from the radar hill towards the suspected family-housing area. [looking west-northwest]
The view from the radar hill towards the site access road and I-40 (seen in the distance). [looking south]
1964 photos contributed by John Cameron