Information for Belleville AFS, IL

Latitude: 38-28-30 N, Longitude: 089-54-15 W

Call Sign(s): Irrigate, Prevail, Agony

Perm ID Sage ID JSS ID Unit Location Early
P-70 Z-70   798 Belleville AFS, IL CPS-4; FPS-3; FPS-6 (2) FPS-66A; FPS-6 (2) May-52 18-Jun-68 Site located on Turkey Hill a few miles south of Scott AFB, IL. USAF site shared with Army for the Nike Missile air-defense system (SL-47DC). Plans for an AN/FPS-27 FD search radar were cancelled.
P-53A / P-70F       Neoga, IL         Gap-Filler Annex. Never activated. Declared excess Apr 1965. Located 2.5 miles ENE of town. Building is still extant.
P-70A       Carmi, IL **         ** Gap-Filler Annex. In original ADC plans, but never was built (former Carmi AFS, SM-137). GF site P-70A had been planned for Arcadia, MO, with an AN/FPS-18 radar, but was also cancelled.
P-70B       Edgewood, MO     * * Gap-Filler Annex. * ADC records list no operational dates; however, the site (as ''Z-70G'') is shown on a 1966 map. Location is based upon USACE data (where site is referred to as ''Bowling Green'' and ''Z-70G,'' presumed to be the same site ... or a nearby site that had been cancelled).
P-70C Z-70C     Vichy, MO FPS-18   Aug-59 1968 * Gap-Filler Annex. Both building and radar tower have been removed. The radome was removed in Nov 2011. Located at the Rolla National Airport, formerly the Vichy Army Airfield. The tabletop of flat land is known locally as ''Lane's Prairie.'' * ADC records list the deactivation date as Dec 1962; however, a veteran who maintained the radar equipment stated that the site remained in service until early 1968. The radar antenna is now on display at the National Air Defense Museum in Bellefontaine, OH.
P-70D       Marquand, MO         Gap-Filler Annex. Reportedly never activated. Located on Cottoner Mtn. Radar tower (now removed) was a 4-legged combined fire-lookout tower. Building is still extant.
P-70G Z-70G     Bowling Green, MO FPS-18   Jan 1964 1968 * Gap-Filler Annex. Location is presumed to be the same site as ''Edgewood,'' P-70B (earlier cancelled). Deactivated after Dec 1967 (early 1968, according to one veteran).

Current Use: The St. Clair Associated Vocational Enterprises (SAVE) has leased the old site and trains adults in developing every day living skills, and teaches them the means to earn a modest living.

Some photos and documents may be marked with varying degrees of classification, up to SECRET. Data so marked is the way it was delivered from official USAF sources, and have been completely declassified. To the best of our knowledge, no currently classified data is stored on this site.
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