Information for Fordland AFS, MO

Latitude: 37-09-15 N, Longitude: 092-52-33 W

Call Sign(s): Mastiff

Perm ID Sage ID JSS ID Unit Location Early
P-68     797 Fordland AFS, MO FPS-3; FPS-4; TPS-10D; FPS-6   1952 01-Jun-61 Plans for an AN/FPS-28 FD search radar were cancelled. Closed due to budget constraints.
P-68A       Gateway, AR ** (FPS-18 planned)       Gap-Filler Annex. ** In early ADC plans, but never was built.
P-68B       Bergman, AR ** (FPS-18 planned)       Gap-Filler Annex. ** In original ADC plans, but never was built.
P-68C       Versailles, MO **         ** Gap-Filler Annex. In original ADC plans, but never was built.
P-68C       Bendavis, MO ** (FPS-18 planned)       Gap-Filler Annex. ** Planned but not built.
P-68D       Bolivar, MO ** (FPS-18 planned)       Gap-Filler Annex. ** In original ADC plans, but never was built.

Current Use: Now is the Ozark Correctional Center (OCC), a minimum security (C-2) institution.

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