Information for Osceola AFS, WI

Latitude: 45-15-05 N, Longitude: 092-38-30 W

Call Sign(s): Kidskin, Cousin

Perm ID Sage ID JSS ID Unit Location Early
P-35 Z-35   674 Osceola AFS, WI CPS-6B (2); FPS-7; FPS-6A / -90 (2) FPS-7; FPS-90 Dec-51 March 1975 Site was at East Farmington, WI. Site had the second operational AN/FPS-7 search radar. (FPS-7 later became FPS-107).
P-35B Z-35B     Northfield, MN FPS-14 FPS-18 Nov-57 Dec-67 Gap-Filler Annex. Building is still extant. Radar tower was removed, but the FPS-18 radar sail was left on site.
P-35C Z-35C     Jim Falls, WI FPS-18   Jul-59 Jun-68 Gap-Filler Annex. Both building and radar tower are still extant.
P-35D or F       Sparta, WI **         ** Gap-Filler Annex. In original ADC plans, but never was built.
P-35E       Litchfield, MN **         ** In original ADC plans, but never was built
P-35G       Winter, WI **         Gap-Filler Annex. ** In early ADC plans but not built. Location is not known.
P-69C Z-69C / Z-35H     Askov, MN FPS-14   Oct-57 Jun-64; Dec-67 Gap-Filler Annex. Site designation changed from Z-69C to Z-35H in 1964.
P-81C / P-35F Z-81C / Z-35F     La Crescent, MN FPS-18   Nov-59 Dec-67 Gap-Filler Annex. Building is still extant. Radar tower was removed sometime in the 2007 / 2008 time frame.

Current Use: Association Retreat Center (ARC).

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