Radar Museum Patches & Emblems
These emblems and patches have been collected from many and varied sources. Permission
is granted to copy these images for personal and/or non-commercial use. Any other use of
these images requires the express written consent of Radomes, Inc.
You may click on any of these thumbnails to get a larger image.
If you happen to have patches embroidered, or decals made for your unit buddies, would you
send an example to us at the museum?
[Click on image for full-size view]
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14 RCAF Parent AS, QC, CN

14 RCAF Parent AS, QC, CN

14 RCAF Parent AS, QC, CN

140 ADS Punta Salinas Radar Station, Puerto Rico

43 RCAF Penhold AS, AB, CN

43 RCAF Penhold AS, AB, CN

43 RCAF Penhold AS, AB, CN

43 RCAF Penhold AS, AB, CN

43 RCAF Penhold AS, AB, CN

645th Patrick AFB, FL

680th Palermo AFS SAGE, NJ

695th Pickstown AFS, SD

697th Pyote AFS, TX

714, Det. 4th Port Moller, AK

745th Perrin AFS, TX

754th Port Austin AFS, MI

754th Port Austin AFS, MI

754th Port Austin AFS, MI

770th Palermo AFS, NJ

770th Palermo AFS, NJ

770th Palermo AFS, NJ

770th Palermo AFS, NJ

776th Point Arena AFS, CA

776th Point Arena AFS, CA

776th Point Arena AFS, CA

913 USAF, 37 RCAF Pagwa AS, ON, CN

913 USAF, 37 RCAF Pagwa AS, ON, CN

913 USAF, 37 RCAF Pagwa AS, ON, CN

913 USAF, 37 RCAF Pagwa AS, ON, CN
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