Information for Fort Fisher AFS, NC

Latitude: 33-58-51 N, Longitude: 077-55-01 W

Call Sign(s): Abundance, Fogerty, Bush Coral, Manlove

Perm ID Sage ID JSS ID Unit Location Early
M-115 Z-115 J-02 701; Det. 5, 14 MWS Fort Fisher AFS, NC MPS-7; MPS-11/GPS-3; MPS-8 (FPS-4); FPS-7C; MPS-14; FPS-26 FPS-107; MPS-14; (FSS-7). FPS-91A; FPS-116 (JSS) 1955 ARSR-4 site now BUIC-III. FPS-7C became FPS-107V2. FPS-26A modified to FSS-7. Had ALRI receiver. JSS plans had called for site to be replaced by Benson, NC FAA site. Was then to remain a blue-suit site, but is shared JSS site now; ARSR-4 is located at old GATR site.
M-115A Z-115A     Myrtle Beach, SC FPS-14   May-58 circa Jun 68 * Gap-Filler Annex. * ADC records list deactivation in 1962; however, a veteran of the site verified it was still in use in 1968. Located just north of town, off Lake Arrowhead Road. Building is still extant but in very poor condition.
M-115B Z-115B     Fort Bragg, NC FPS-18   Aug-59 circa Jun 68 * Gap-Filler Annex. Both building and radar tower are still extant. * ADC records list deactivation as 1962; however, a veteran of the site verified it was still in use in 1968. Located on Coolyconch Mountain. Fort Bragg itself was renamed Fort Liberty, and then the name was changed back to Fort Bragg.
M-116C / M-115C Z-115C     Holly Ridge, NC FPS-14   Feb-59 Jun-68 Gap-Filler Annex. Building is no longer extant. Changed from M-116C to M-115C in 1963 when 614th AC&W Sq. at Cherry Point MCAS (M-116) deactivated. Site located 0.3 mile NW of US 17, ~ 1 mile north of town, on the grounds of former Camp Davis (a WWII coastal defense installation).

Current Use: Original site is now the Fort Fisher Air Force Recreation Area (since renamed the Blakeslee Air Force Recreation Area (BAFRA)). GATR site is now the ARSR-4 radar site, 33-59-25N, 077-55-09W. Note: The unit designation has been reactivated at Tyndall AFB, FL, for the 701st Air Defense Squadron (under 1st AF).

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