Information for Watertown AFS, NY

Latitude: 43-55-31 N, Longitude: 075-54-33 W

Call Sign(s): High Jinx

Perm ID Sage ID JSS ID Unit Location Early
P-49 Z-49   655 Watertown AFS, NY FPS-3; FPS-5; FPS-20/-66; FPS-6 (2); FPS-26A FPS-27; FPS-26A Jun-52 01-Nov-79 Plans for an AN/FPS-28 FD search radar were cancelled; an AN/FPS-27 FD search radar was installed instead. Site located on Dry Hill plateau. BUIC-I site. GATR retained until JSS switchover.
P-30J / P-49E       Atlanta, NY **         ** Gap-Filler Annex. In original ADC plans, but never was built.
P-49A Z-49A     Suttons Corner, NY FPS-14   Aug-57 Dec-67 Gap-Filler Annex. The building is still extant.
P-49B Z-49B     Oswegatchie, NY FPS-18   May-58 Jun-68 Gap-Filler Annex. Located atop Panther Mountain. Building is still extant. The radar tower was later relocated to Hancock Field (in North Syracuse) for use by the NY-ANG to support a mobile radar set.
P-49C       Aldenville, PA **         Gap-Filler Annex. ** In early ADC plans but was not built.
P-49D       Lounsberry, NY **         ** Gap-Filler Annex. In original ADC plans, but never was built.
P-49F       Higgins Bay, NY **         ** Gap-Filler Annex. In original ADC plans, but never was built.

Current Use: Watertown Correctional Facility (23147 Swan Road, Watertown, NY 13601-9340 Ph: 315-782-7490).

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